Some people find that they want to come to a service in Nerja or Almuñecar but are not sure what to expect! Some feel embarrassed that they don’t know much about Christianity or the Church, or they may think they don’t believe enough to be part of a faith community.
Our invitation to you is to come and join us and to see what you make of us!
You may be surprised to find others like yourself.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions:
When are the services on Sunday?
Iglesia de San Miguel (St Michael’s Church)
Plaza Andalucia – 12 noon
How do I get to the church?
Please see the pages: Where we meet for worship in Nerja.
What happens at a service?
You will first be welcomed by members of our congregation, given a hymn book, a copy of the weekly bulletin and a service booklet and invited to sit anywhere in the church. The service is a called “Holy Communion” or “Eucharist”. This comes from a Greek word meaning “thanksgiving”. At the heart of our worship is our giving thanks to God but we also acknowledge our own frailty and fragility, our need of God and each other.
The service is in four parts. First, we gather and ask that God will open our hearts and allow us to see something of his beauty and freshness, to see who we really are, to acknowledge where we have gone wrong and to be forgiven and strengthened for the future.
Secondly, we listen to readings from the Bible: from the Old Testament (the Jewish scriptures), the New Testament (early Christian letters and texts) and from the Gospels (the early accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus).
After the Gospel has been read, a talk (sermon) is given that explores what we have heard and tries to enrich our reflection. Sermons are important because we believe that God gave us brains and so we must think, ask questions and not be afraid of exploration. We also believe that God gave us hearts and that we need “de-frosting” in order that our lives and love may be enlarged for the sake of the world and people God loves.
Thirdly, after giving voice to our faith, praying for those in need and sharing peace with each other (turning to our neighbour and saying “Peace be with you”), we remember the night in which Jesus gathered with his friends, gave them bread and wine and asked them to remember him in this way. Because Jesus Christ is for us the window onto the nature and reality of God, our remembrance is more than just nostalgia it literally re-members us together as a Christian family, recalls us to the heart of reality. We believe that Christ is present in the bread and wine (we don’t fully understand how) and that our communion with him leads us into deeper communion with one another.
For this reason, in the fourth part of the service, we are quickly sent into the world after receiving the bread and wine, so that we might bring Christ’s priorities and peace to our own networks and communities. The last words we hear are “go in peace to love and serve the Lord”.
During the service we sing hymns (for which we stand) and sometimes music is played both before and after the service.
After the service many of the congregation meet for a cup of coffee (or something a bit stronger!) and maybe a tapa. Everyone is invited to join us and to meet their fellow worshippers. At Almuñecar we go to the Hotel Chinalsol on the Paseo de Cotobro and in Nerja we go to Bar Bella Atalaya at the top of Calle Ruperto Anduez, which is only a short walk away from San Miguel Church.
What do I need to wear when I come to church?
Whatever you are comfortable in! There are no rules or regulations and a typical congregation will include all age groups.
Can I bring my children?
Yes! We love to see children among us. Sadly among our resident congregation there are very few children and we do not have a Sunday School. However, we try to provide activities for those who are too young to take part fully in the service.
Who is the “Vicar”?
In the parish we have a Priest in Charge who has been licensed by the Bishop to serve here.
See our Contact Us page.
Can I make a prayer request?
Of course. Please contact Fr Nigel (see above) to let him know your request. We bring all these requests before God at the main Sunday services.
What does the Church believe?
Christian life is lived in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and in common with other Christians in the church seeking to deepen that relationship and to follow the way that Jesus taught. For Christians God is understood and known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Father – God is love, caring for creation and for every human being as God’s beloved child. Son -God is as he has revealed himself to be in the historical person of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection hold the key to knowing and loving God, and to making sense of life, before and after death. Holy Spirit – God is alive, loving and active, comforting and challenging and inspiring faith, justice and truth. God sustains the life of the world, giving spiritual gifts to the church and bearing his spiritual fruit in the world – changed lives and a transformed society.
At the heart of our faith is the belief in the God who transforms. God loves us just the way we are and God loves us so much he doesn’t want us to stay like that.
How do I join The Anglican Church in the Parish of Nerja and Almuñécar?
Please talk with the priest or churchwarden and then have your name placed on the Church Electoral Roll by completing an application form that he will give you.
What events and recent news is there about The Anglican Church in the Parish of Nerja and Almuñécar?
Please see our Church News and Events page.